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Local Business Marketing baby steps that aren’t cold-calling or more social media
Hello fellow introvert. I. hear. you. The last thing that I want to do is to cold-call a business!
And, ugh, not another day of scrolling to the end of the social media universe.
In sales, I hear all the time that I need to get over it and develop a tougher skin. But, so far, I’ve just been working on other ways to just work smarter… You, too? 😉
And, yeah. Social media is a thing. But, so is connecting with people.
And if you’re my kind of introvert, it is the connecting with people while in sales mode that might be throwing you for a loop. So…
Here are three local business marketing ideas – using a simple t-shirt concept – that I’ve been using and recommending to clients in 2019.

1. Wear your own t-shirts
Simple enough, right? Wear the t-shirt, and people will ask you about your business or non-profit.
Better yet, have some fun with the design and message, and you’ll be surprised at how much more casual, natural and so much less painful these business conversations become!
It’s great if you customize your shirts for your own business, but guess what… there are tons of great general ideas for your business on already. (Keep scrolling!)
Four Local Marketing T-Shirts
Here are four examples of t-shirts that I’ve uploaded and sold to small businesses and the self-employed in the past year.
Examples for a cleaning service, repossession agent, firearms instructor and esthetician are below. Don’t see your industry? Use the search bar, or submit your suggestion on this form and I can create one for you to buy on Amazon!
If you don’t already see examples that you like for your industry, I can help you get a simple idea online quickly at no additional cost to you beyond the price of a t-shirt!

If you can wear casual attire in the course of your business day, that makes it even better. Wear your own shirt all day, every day!
Not appropriate for your business? Take this idea and make it work for you and your industry. Get a t-shirt (or long sleeve, sweatshirt or hoodie) and wear it for errands, the gym or school pickup, or wherever you might strike up conversations.
Too much investment or hassle? I literally can’t make it any easier than buying these shirts on!
Yes, it’ll take a bit more work and discussion if you want custom designs including your business logo, but for general industry shirts — that can often work really well — you may already find them on!
2. give away your t-shirts
Are you promoting any local fundraisers, or need seasonal shirts for yourself or employees?
You can easily handle fulfillment and restock of these shirts as-needed through a private listing.
I offer free 15 minute discovery calls to help figure out if this easy, no-inventory option could be a money-saving marketing win (or if it should be a quick no and move on for your business)!
3. get customers to promote your business
Finally, get your customers in on the action! Are you already running coupon mailer promotions or special seasonal deals?
What about offering a premium deal for customers that walk in the door wearing your t-shirt for the summer or academic year?
You know your customers best. If you’d like to test a premium in-store deal, schedule a 15-minute discovery call (same link above) and I’ll walk you through the pros and cons!
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